Sunday, 13 January 2013

The following information are usually collected during traffic studies:-

  1. Type of traffic:- It means representation of traffic either by weight or by shape like trucks, buses, private cars, horse-driven vehicles, Single-bullock, double-bullock vehicles, motor cycles, auto-rickshaws, rickshaws, cycles or any other type of traffic.
  2. Volume of traffic :- It means number of vehicles, persons or animals passing a given point on a road during a specified period of time and is usually expressed as vehicles per hour.
  3. Nature of traffic :- It means whether the traffic is heavy during a certain period of the year due to some   festival or harvest or during certain time within the day when the office workers go and come back.
  4. Pupose of traffic :- It means whether the traffic is of business type, recreation or the commodity carried.
  5. Origin and destination of traffic :- It means the places from where traffic originates and where it terminates.
  6. Speed of traffic :- It is recorded by means of traffic counters.
  7. Conditions of traffic :- It means whether the vehicles are properly maintained or not.
  8. Accidents :- It means collision of one road user with the other road user or with the fixed object lying within the road pavement. The data regarding the cause, time, location, and cost of every accident should be noted and recorded.
  9. Any other information of special character :- It includes other necessary data collected during different traffic surveys relating to road, road usersand the environment.


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