Monday, 10 December 2012

The physical features of a road are known as road geometrics.
These physical features have direct connection with the highway users. These are provided according to their      geometrical design in order to facilitate safe and economical of vehicles.

Road geometrics include the following elements of a highway :-
  1. Cross-sectional elements such as right-of-way, road margins, formation width, carriage width, shoulders, side stopes, kerbs, formation level, camber, gradients, etc.
  2. speed of road vehicles i.e design speed, average running speed, etc.
  3. Sight distances such as stopping or non-passing sight distance, passing or overtaking sight distance, intermediate sight distance and lateral sight distance.
  4. Curves such as horizontal and vertical curves.
  5. Superelevation, etc.
Road geometrics are greatly influenced by the  topography of the area, traffic characteristics and the requirements of road users.


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