The process of marking several possible alternative alignments of a road on the topographic map of the area is known as Map Study or Paper Location.
A topographic map shows the nature of the area by means of contour lines. This map also shows the position of Obligatory points such as important towns, growing villages, trade and industrial centres, places of historic importance, canals, rivers, railway lines, bridges, etc. These maps are available from Survey Department of India with 15 or 30 m contour interval.
The possible alternative alignments are marked keeping in view the topographical and other features shown on the map.
The following consideration are made while marking a tentative alignment on the map :-
A topographic map shows the nature of the area by means of contour lines. This map also shows the position of Obligatory points such as important towns, growing villages, trade and industrial centres, places of historic importance, canals, rivers, railway lines, bridges, etc. These maps are available from Survey Department of India with 15 or 30 m contour interval.
The possible alternative alignments are marked keeping in view the topographical and other features shown on the map.
The following consideration are made while marking a tentative alignment on the map :-
- The route should be as short as possible.
- It should be easy for construction, maintenance and traffic oppertions.
- It should be safe for traffic operations.
- It should also be economical in its cost of construction, maintenance and traffic operations.
- It should be of maximum utility.
- It should satisfy the maximum requirement of road geometrics.
- It should fit in well the landscape.